Ketzin (Germany; saline aquifer)
"Capture and storage CCS" (07:37)
(Video in English; published on 27/02/2009, youtube)
Introduction to CO2 Capture and Storage. Explaining how monitoring of CO2 takes place. (This film reports about WWF, Vattenfall (Schwarze Pumpe), Ketzin (CO2-Sink, Ketzin pilot site) with Fabian Möller, Delbeke from European Commission)
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"GIFT2010: CO2 storage" (41:34)
(Presentation “Storage of CO2” in English published on 11/07/2012, youtube)
GIFT (Geosciences Information For Teachers) presentation by Michael Kühn at the 2010 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union.
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Six Videos on the CO2 storage at the pilot site Ketzin published on 2010 and 2013, Pilot Site Ketzin-website -
Film 1: "Research for Climate Protection" (03:59) in German
Film 2: "Geological Requirements and Capaccities" (06:00)
in English
Film 3: "Trapping Mechanism" (04:31) in German
Film 4: "Monitoring and Prediction" (06:54) in German
Film 5: "Ketzin Pilot Site" (05:05)
with English subtitles
Film 6: "Scientific Drilling at the Ketzin Pilot Site" (08:53)
with English subtitles
K12-B (Netherlands; depleted gas reservoir)
"K12-B Platform" (02:56)
(Video, GDF Suez, in English published on 13/07/2012, article.wn)
Feature on the K12-B platform. GDF SUEZ has been gaining operational experience in the re-injection of CO2 in the North Sea on the K12-B field since 2004.
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Montmiral (France; natural CO2 reservoir)
Sorry, for this location no video is available
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Rousse (France; depleted gas reservoir)
"CO2 capture and Storage: the Lacq pilot project" (4:48)
(Video in English published on May 2010, Total-website)
"Sequestering CO2 in France | Tomorrow Today" (3:56) (Video in English published 2011) |
Sleipner (Norway; saline aquifer)
"Acting cleaner" (4:22)
(Video, Statoilasa, in English published on 03/05/2010, youtube)
See for more information
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"Storing CO2 to Protect the Climate" (07:51)
(Video in English published on February 2013, American Museum of Natural History)
How a deep-drilling experiment is fighting climate change…
Nagaoka (Japan; saline aquifer)
"Microseismic monitoring at the CCS fields - what we learnt from Nagaoka" (46:58)
(Presentation, Global CCS Institute, in English published on 26/09/2012, youtube)
Dr Ziqiu Xue, Chief Researcher of the CO2 Storage Group at Japan's Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE) will lead a Global CCS Institute webinar to review and discuss microseismic monitoring at CCS storage sites (Nagaoka, Japan, Weyburn, Canada and Lacq, France)…
Otway (Australia; depleted gas reservoir)
"The CO2CRC Otway Project - Leading CO2 storage research" (08:52)
(Video in English published on 12/12/2011, CO2CRC-Website)
The CO2CRC Otway Project is Australia's first demonstration of the deep geological storage or geo-sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most common man-made greenhouse gas...
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"Carbon Capture in Action" (07:50)
(Video in English published on 05/05/2010, CO2CRC-Website)
CO2CRC, a non-profit research collaboration, is conducting research into new ways of capturing carbon dioxide from power stations that will reduce the cost and make it easier for industry to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. This video explains promising technologies and shows the research in action in Australian industrial demonstration projects.
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Frio (Texas; saline aquifer)
"Susan Hovorka: Carbon Capture and Sequestration Public Workshop" (27:46)
(Video, Environmental Defense Fund Plus Joined 3 years ago / San Francisco, CA, in English, vimeo)
Susan Hovorka, Principal Investigator, Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas: Key Field Studies and Conclusions
The materials provided directly below were presented on March 5, 2009 (New York City), and March 6, 2009 (Washington D.C.), at workshops organized by NRDC and Environmental Defense Fund and co-sponsored by the Global Climate and Energy Project at Stanford University, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas, Bloomberg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Energy Initiative, Pew Center on Global Climate Change and in association with the Joint Global Change Research Institute.
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Wallula (Washington; basalt formation)
"What is the Status of CCS in the Northwest" part 2- Pete McGrail” (15:45)
(Video, CarbonTechCCS, section 1, with parts of presentation in English published on 25/10/2011, youtube)
Battelle-PNNL: This presentation includes an overview of the U.S. and international Sequastration Program, the CCS status and lerveraging activities.
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Project brochure (pdf) - No. 1 |
Project brochure (pdf) - No. 2 (December 2013)
Best Practice Guidelines Summary
CCS IFP School Video
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